Who is Rosita Rocket?

The universal ambassador for a wide range of merchandise designed to add a lil' sugar & spice to everyday life! Rosita Rocket's origins are detailed in the science fiction novel "Métallon", that reveal both her terrifying true origins as well as the trademarked brand's rise to universal dominance in the fictional future of the Métallon multiverse. Author & musician, Lorenzo Chacon, decided to use the  Rosita Rocket trademark and concept to bring the fictional character to life. And with the help of some friends, Rosita Rocket LLC was founded in early 2023 with the launch of the online store rositarocket.com, where now everyone can enjoy in purchasing high quality, fun filled items to add a lil' sugar & spice...well you know the rest! From flirty pinup gal' stickers, to the themed posters & more to come, buy one or buy them all, with Rosita Rocket, life's a ball!